UrbaN Bios
Laura Basson is a senior studying for her undergraduate degree in Fine Arts at the University of Delaware. She is a sculptor and video artist whose work explores themes of home and personal history through sculptures and animations.
Shawn DiCriscio is a senior Fine Arts student at the University of Delaware. DiCriscio works in painting and electronic media to create projections, video, and installations of orbital creations. His work was chosen to screen at Garden Cinema 2011.
Alyssa Kaminski is an artist living in Philadelphia with a BFA in Fine Arts from the
University of Delaware. Kaminski uses photography and video to create works
that comment on the nature of the suburban lifestyle.
Jeffrey Moser holds undergraduate degrees in Graphic Design and Philosophy as well
as an MFA in Studio Art. His video art explores texture and automation in the
digital age and has been exhibited in Charlotte, Wilmington, and Philadelphia.
He currently teaches Interactive Media and Design Theory at the University of
Kevin Shields