Q: Can I submit more than one short video?
A: Absolutely, feel free to submit as many as you like. Just fill out the online form for each submission.

Q: What does 'link to video' on the submission form mean?
A: We ask that you put your submission up on Vimeo, YouTube, etc. first so that our selection committee can review it. If you're selected for the next round, you will be notified by email regarding screening guidelines.

Q: What video formats are you using for the screening?
A: You can use whatever format and camera you want to create your film/video. But, for the screening we are only showing digital formats: High Definition and Standard Definition must be compressed as an H.264 quicktime movie or mpeg4 file.

Q: How are submissions judged? What is your selection criteria?
Submissions will be watched online by the full jury who will rate the work based on the inventive and experimental use of the media as well as the content of the film.

Q: What happens if I get selected?
A: If your film is chosen by the selection committee, you'll be sent an email which describes how to get us the desired uncompressed format. The reason we ask for this is because most 'save for web' exports from video editing software result in an often highly compressed format. These kinds of videos can have severe quality problems when projected on a large screen (and we'll be projecting your films on a rather large wall). If your film is selected, you'll be sent a full set of guidelines on how to export an uncompressed file.

Q: Are there awards or prizes?
A: We’re working on it! We are looking for sponsors who are interested in supporting creative talent from the mid-atlantic region.  As the funds come rolling in, we’ll announce awards on our site. Check the submission page for the most up to date information.

Q: I've paid for a song on iTunes, does that mean that I have a license to use it in my film?
A: No, paying for a copy of a song and acquiring a license are very different. Music licensing is a complicated thing, and UGC's submission agreement leaves getting the proper license up to you. But there are a lot of great resources for video makers. Check out Vimeo's music store to find free or very inexpensive licensed music. Vimeo's MusicStore FAQ is also full of great information about music licensing. Some other good places to look are the audio selections on the CreativeCommons site, and Jamendo, a music site that uses Creative Commons and the Internet Archive, a non-profit Internet library that encourages access to moving images and audio. You can also contact up and coming bands on sites like Facebook, ReverbNation or Myspace to see if they would be interested in letting you use their music. Be sure to get their permission in writing!

It’s a confusing world out there for film and video makers. We encourage you to read further to better understand the hows and whys of copyright. Here are some recommendations: 
Good interview with author of “CopyRights and CopyWrongs” http://www.stayfreemagazine.org/archives/20/siva_vaidhyanathan.html